Paleta Issue #3

It is here and it is queer. Issue number 3 is finished. Ever so grateful for the ongoing dialogues between the artists, myself and the zine itself as it provides a platform for discussion ~ I hope you like it. You can purchase at the LA ZINE FEST 2016 in LA where it will be…

Paleta Issue #2

As many you may know I started a project earlier this year in hopes to enhance visibility of queer bois of color who are in the arts or simply being themselves. I completed zine #2 a while a go but have had limitations trying to print it. I am hoping that people will start ordering…

Digital Illustrations

My intention with the presented illustrations is more or less of an exploration of color, form, content, and pattern. I explore the fluidity of a brush stroke and the translucent watery feel that opacity gives any particular form. Each object or concept illustration is part of the process to better understand my developing aesthetic as…

Paleta Zine Issue #1

Paleta is a space of vulnerability, a sanctuary, an archive, a curated publication, an oasis created by us and for us. Its a place of resistance, a place for missed connections. It is a dystopia and utopia. Ultimately it becomes a collective part of the whole. In a phallic centric society, Paleta speaks to the…


Gooey substance material being matter, death, divinity observant, empathetic, pathetic bubble gum bubble gum sticky dick sticky pussy juicy juicy juicy flowing like the air flowing like the water morbid waiting for a Devine intervention. . .

Es Natural

El viento y la agua Tal vez no se llevan tan bien Huracanes Pero como es que la tierra y la agua juegan con si mismos Tsunamis Pero es definido y natural que la lumbre no juega con la agua El fuego destruye igual como la agua, la tierra, y el viento Inciendos, Tornados, Tsunamis,…


Aveces no vale la pena, Unos amigos por aquí y unos otros por allá No se, es la vida, es mi vida la e vivido detrás de mis ojos y pensamientos, que aveces me llevan a la tentacion Tentacion que aves no vale la pena, Pero, me convenci que to do es por vivir y…